The first datatype defined in the enumerator package is Stream:
data Stream a
= Chunks [a]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Step a m b
= Continue (Stream a -> Iteratee a m b)
| Yield b (Stream a)
| Error Exc.SomeException
I'll explain what an Iteratee is next. A step is one of 3 states: Continue, it can accept more data. Yield, it can't accept any more data, and Error, an error occured. Note that unlike EarlyFoldable, a Step doesn't have a type for the state, instead it passes a continuation that holds the state.
So what is an Iteratee? It's simply a Step wrapped in a Monad.
newtype Iteratee a m b = Iteratee
{ runIteratee :: m (Step a m b)
module Main where
import Data.List
import Data.Enumerator hiding (head, foldl', repeat)
import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL (head)
import qualified Data.Map as M
digitize :: (Integral a) => a -> [a]
digitize 0 = [0]
digitize n = (reverse . (unfoldr strip_digit)) n
strip_digit 0 = Nothing
strip_digit a =
case (a `divMod` 10) of
(a,b) -> Just (b,a)
undigitize :: Integral a => [a] -> a
undigitize = foldl' (\x y -> x*10+y) 0
--digitize and undigitize are for number processing
cubes :: [Integer]
cubes = scanl (+) 1 $ scanl (+) 7 $ scanl (+) 12 $ repeat 6
make_key :: Integer -> Integer
make_key = undigitize . sortBy (flip compare) . digitize
update_map :: Integer -> M.Map Integer (Integer, Int) -> M.Map Integer (Integer, Int)
update_map n = M.insertWith
(\(n2, count2) (n1, count1) -> (n1, (count1+count2)))
(make_key n) (n, 1)
--cubes, make_key and update_map are the same as from last time.
cube_perm_iteratee :: (Monad m) => Iteratee Integer m Integer
cube_perm_iteratee = go M.empty
go m = do -- Iteratee's are a Monad, to be covered later.
(Just n) <- EL.head --EL.head reads at most one element.
case update_map n m of
m' | (snd $ m' M.! (make_key n)) == 5 ->
yield (fst $ m' M.! (make_key n)) (Chunks [])
m' -> go m'
main = do
-- The driver code will be covered on another article on Iteratees
result <- run_ $ (enumList 100 cubes) $$ cube_perm_iteratee
print result
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